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pl_wst with HTTPS (TLS v1.2) in CentOS 6 9 years 2 months ago #8680

  • Md. Shariful Alam Khan
  • Md. Shariful Alam Khan's Avatar Topic Author
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I tried to post through pl_wst to a https server, below what I did:
I added synapse and ssl_openssl unit on my project. On execution I am getting following error:
Exception at 000000000047CB8D: ETransportExecption:
HTTP Request to ws.cert.transactionexpress.com:443/porta...rchantWebServices-v1 failed.Result code: 500, message: "".
Its must be HTTPS request. How can I do that? This is what I did:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
send: SendTranRequest;
me: Merc;
tr: TranData;
//mt : MerchantWebServicesPortType;
send := SendTranRequest.Create;
me := Merc.Create;
me.id := '777xxxxxxx';
me.regKey := 'JExxxxxxxxxxx;
send.merc := me;
tr := TranData.Create;
tr.tranNr := '1';
send.tranCode := SendTranRequest_tranCode_Type.SendTranRequest_tranCode_Type__0;
Memo1.Text := string(wst_CreateInstance_MerchantWebServicesPortType().SendTran(send));

I post this to wst forum and got following response:
"I have no practice with CentOS, but on Linux there are certainly
OpenSSL packages that may be installed in the system.

But that is a transport problem, if you are sure that the problem is
related to HTTPS (better prove it than guess it, you have all the
sources, you can then debug it). Please make sure to understand how
Synapse HTTPS support works in a simple program for example to
download a HTTPS web page and apply this understanding to fix the
problem with the web service."

How to post to https using pl_wst? Please help.

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