22-3-2021 20:32:00 Matis A.: ?
22-3-2021 20:33:05 Kode Zwerg: like i do "var x: pchar" and method header is "procedure test(value: pansichar):"
22-3-2021 20:33:27 Kode Zwerg: i get error that pwidechar is not pansichar
22-3-2021 20:33:56 Matis A.: Yes this is correct, pwidechar is not pansichar for CT
22-3-2021 20:34:20 Kode Zwerg: does a switch exist where CT automatic choose what match?
22-3-2021 20:35:30 Kode Zwerg: i try convert my delphi sources to CT and this is my #1 error
22-3-2021 20:36:07 Matis A.: Try with {$MODE DELPHI} to your project file, CT default is {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
22-3-2021 20:36:46 Kode Zwerg: will do like you suggest
22-3-2021 20:36:54 Kode Zwerg: thank you for advice!
22-3-2021 20:37:17 Matis A.: CT FreePascal has many Pascal dialects {$mode objfpc},{$MODE DELPHI} etc
22-3-2021 20:38:55 Kode Zwerg: error: mode switch not allowed here
22-3-2021 20:39:31 Matis A.: You can find these Pascal "dialects" or "Syntax modes" in Project Options => Parsing =>"Syntax mode"
22-3-2021 20:39:41 Kode Zwerg: i put under my other {$mode delphiunicode}
22-3-2021 20:39:55 Kode Zwerg: ahh okay will read
22-3-2021 20:39:57 Kode Zwerg: thanks
22-3-2021 20:40:11 Matis A.: OK
22-3-2021 20:40:48 Matis A.: post to our forum, chat is only for quick support
22-3-2021 20:41:01 Kode Zwerg: ok i leave
22-3-2021 20:41:21 Matis A.:
I can put code samples or file or photo to our chat
22-3-2021 20:41:50 Kode Zwerg:
you mean "cant"
22-3-2021 20:42:10 Matis A.: Sorry Yes
22-3-2021 20:42:42 Kode Zwerg: wishing you best, stay healthy, goodbye
22-3-2021 20:43:37 Matis A.: I wish the Same and for you good night.
22-3-2021 20:44:55 Kode Zwerg: (ha! found out i can just use one {$mode}, reading help hehe)
26-3-2021 17:23:00 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon Studio Version 7.40 Revision 007350
please, test and report.
26-3-2021 19:44:06 ?????: 007340 = opening project did not open files. is that normal behavior?
26-3-2021 19:44:21 ?????: (on windows 10 pro)
26-3-2021 19:45:10 ?????: (currently updating to new version)
26-3-2021 19:46:29 ?????: alBottom Alignment somehow bugged aswell when creating dynamic formulars
26-3-2021 19:46:52 ?????: it become unpredictable
26-3-2021 19:47:46 ?????: (dynamic formulars = formulars that are generated by code at runtime, not premade with designer)
26-3-2021 19:48:35 ?????: when install.bat is done, i will re-test and if needed i can upload demo project
26-3-2021 19:48:59 ?????: i just need to know whrere to upload
26-3-2021 19:49:12 ?????: thank you sir for reading
27-3-2021 10:45:58 Sternas Stefanos: Please post to our forum
14-4-2021 18:23:42 Matis A.: We finish update LAB PCs to FreeBSD 13.0
16-4-2021 10:24:46 Matis A.: Preparing new LAB release... ETA 1-2 Days if all are OK
16-4-2021 19:20:12 Matis A.: We release LAB CT Ver 7.40 Revision 007370
Please test, report,
and always Have Fun
22-4-2021 18:15:58 Matis A.: Ubuntu 21.04 in our LAB for tests...
23-4-2021 15:08:57 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 3.8
Please test and report
27-4-2021 17:56:49 Matis A.: Fedora 34 in our LAB for tests...
28-4-2021 15:26:40 Inferno: Hi all, When do you plan to implement support for macOS Big Sur and ARM64 architecture?
28-4-2021 15:59:01 Matis A.: We don't have the hardware Sir
you can "donate" for this task
28-4-2021 17:26:35 Inferno:
Apple hardware is not cheap... I mean CT running on Intel/Big Sur with target compilation for ARM64. So you should not need M1 hardware hardware to do that
28-4-2021 19:02:17 Matis A.:
This is cross- build and it's possible
But I was write for Arm64 MacOS as Host OS.
Anyway, we think here, that Apple's big step to ARM64 it's a big "Titanic".
29-4-2021 2:01:35 walter leonardo iñi: hola
29-4-2021 2:02:04 walter leonardo iñi: la descarga de codetyphon esta muy lenta y no termina de descargar.
29-4-2021 2:02:54 walter leonardo iñi: the download of codetyphon is very slow and does not finish downloading.
29-4-2021 7:36:18 Matis A.: Please try again
29-4-2021 18:46:38 Inferno: Hi Matis! I woudn't be so sure about this Titanic. I think they know what they do. How about CT comaptblity with Big Sur? Will v7.4 work (on Intel of course)?
30-4-2021 2:42:25 Matis A.: Yes Sir, CT full support Big Sur
4-5-2021 0:40:39 walter leonardo iñi: The installation of cdetyphom is very slow.
4-5-2021 7:10:40 Matis A.: We ADD/Update Support for OpenBSD ver 6.9
4-5-2021 18:26:06 Matis A.: We ADD/Update Support for OpenIndiana 2021.04
7-5-2021 9:37:43 Sternas Stefanos: We Release CodeTyphon Studio Version 7.40 FINAL
Have fun...
10-5-2021 8:28:43 Javor: How to fix "Fatal: (10022) Can't find unit system used by fcllaz" while trying to build IDE?
10-5-2021 8:29:59 Javor: OS: Windows 10
CT Version: 7.40
new installation
21-5-2021 23:07:43 Javier: Hi, it looks like Tchart is not longer available in 7.40 versión
21-5-2021 23:09:34 Javier: Ir looks TChar is not longer available in versión 7.40, am I right?
22-5-2021 7:23:19 Sternas Stefanos: No Sir, please post to our forum for help
23-5-2021 12:56:01 Marco Pinero: I was using PascalScada very much. It's a shame to get it out. I'll continue using older CT versions.
23-5-2021 17:01:10 Sternas Stefanos: Sir
we make our decision, after big brain-storming here in our LAB.
The last LAB “picture” of PascalScada pkg it was so bad.
We call it “No Proper Development Quality” in our LAB.
Why don't you send an email to PascalScada developer to support and CT?
6-6-2021 5:40:58 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Studio LAB ver 7.50 Revision 007440
Please test, report, suggest
and always have fun
6-6-2021 16:40:20 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 3.9
Please test and report
11-6-2021 14:42:27 Inferno: Hi all! After installing v7.4 each time I modify anyting in GUI (add/remove any componnet on form) I get Access Violation error. Any idea?
12-6-2021 9:54:20 Inferno: OK I found the cause and it is not related to CT version.
17-6-2021 7:00:13 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon Studio ver 7.50 Revision 007450
Please, test, report and suggest.
1-7-2021 18:06:57 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon 7.50 Final
Have fun....
19-7-2021 9:11:27 Bogdan Tsimbalyuk: Hi! You can link to the old version of codetyphon 5.80. We urgently need to work. You are welcome.
19-7-2021 20:02:03 Sternas Stefanos: Sorry Sir, we don't have so old CT versions in our Servers.
9-8-2021 6:47:42 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT ver 7.6 Revision 7520
Have fun
16-8-2021 10:06:02 Sternas Stefanos: Debian 11 in our LAB for Tests....
22-8-2021 6:51:33 Sternas Stefanos: Manjaro Linux 21.1.0 in our LAB for Tests....
3-9-2021 13:01:45 Konstantinos Papadou: Happy Birthday Sternas!!!
7-9-2021 16:27:10 Sternas Stefanos: Thanks Kostas
7-9-2021 17:19:41 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Ver 7.60 Revision 007540
have fun...
17-9-2021 17:15:58 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.0
Please test and report
26-9-2021 16:47:58 Vladimir Bazović: I have updated from 7.3 to 7.5 and there is no PascalScada and I read that it was thrown out because of non compatible coding with CT? What can be done? What to ask PascalScada author to change? Or if there is tool to convert lpk to ctpkg?
27-9-2021 9:27:45 Matis A.: Simple ask to PascalScada author to support and CodeTyphon.
27-9-2021 9:48:38 Vladimir Bazović: Ok I asked him, and I will post (if any) answer.
27-9-2021 14:37:08 Matis A.: OK
28-9-2021 15:12:16 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 7.60 revision 007550
Have Fun
5-10-2021 10:19:20 Sternas Stefanos: @Vladimir we will try to fix and add pl_PascalScada pkg to the next CodeTyphon LAB Release for test...
15-10-2021 18:05:33 Sternas Stefanos: OpenBSD 7.0 in our LAB for test...
15-10-2021 18:05:59 Sternas Stefanos: Ubuntu 21.10 in our LAB for test...
30-10-2021 1:44:28 Sternas Stefanos: MacOS ver 12 Monterey in our LAB for test....
2-11-2021 3:15:47 Sternas Stefanos: We release Final CodeTyphon Studio ver 7.60
Have fun
2-11-2021 18:01:12 Sternas Stefanos: Fedora 35 in our LAB for tests...
3-11-2021 5:50:11 Seagate BP: Dear Sir...
3-11-2021 20:08:17 Sternas Stefanos: Yes
4-11-2021 11:27:02 Premysl Beran: Hi, does CT7.6 support macOS 10.xx (Catalina) or this version was dropped since CT7.5? Thanks for info.
4-11-2021 15:46:35 Sternas Stefanos: No Sir
19-11-2021 0:43:49 Horst Noecker: Hello!
19-11-2021 1:03:41 Horst Noecker: Why do you need Superuser rights for installing Codetyphon at Linux?
20-11-2021 4:43:55 Sternas Stefanos: Because, CT is a Native, multi user Programming Studio
20-11-2021 4:44:07 Sternas Stefanos: On Linux
28-11-2021 15:27:47 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.1
Please test and report
3-12-2021 18:57:39 Javier: Hi, just reporting for CT 7.70 on Windows 10, Spreadsheet does not support xlsx files, xls it's ok
18-12-2021 16:49:57 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.2
have fun ...
28-12-2021 16:57:17 Matis A.: New LAB CT 7.70 Revision 007640
have fun...
10-1-2022 4:12:37 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.3
Have fun...
17-1-2022 19:20:01 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT 7.70 Revision 007660
Please test, report and have fun....
8-2-2022 16:56:03 Chad Adams: anyone around?
8-2-2022 18:17:51 Sternas Stefanos: Yes
14-2-2022 19:49:51 oghenez: hwllo guys
15-2-2022 19:09:14 Sternas Stefanos: We release CT ver 7.70 Final, have fun....
12-3-2022 10:45:16 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT ver 7.80 Revision 007720,
12-3-2022 10:45:29 Sternas Stefanos: Please test and report
22-3-2022 16:40:26 Peter: Hello Guys and Gals ,
22-3-2022 16:41:49 Peter: CT 7.7 where do i change the language of the CT Menu to English ? That thing gives me German. .
27-3-2022 16:07:50 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.4
Have fun
10-4-2022 15:27:45 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 7.80 Revision 007740
Please test and report.
15-4-2022 9:27:34 Pietro Cornelio:
I'm analyzing Code Typhon, the huge amount of components available is amazing. Really remarkable. I am very satisfied. Congratulations on a great job. There is no comparison with Lazarus.
17-4-2022 8:59:42 Sternas Stefanos:
Thanks Sir
yes CodeTyphon Studio is THE leading Programming Studio....
5-5-2022 3:04:56 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.5
have fun
10-5-2022 4:57:12 Matis A.:
New CT release, LAB CodeTyphon ver 7.80 Revision 007760
please test and report....
11-5-2022 16:39:16 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.6
have fun...
31-5-2022 9:56:23 Sternas Stefanos: We release Final CodeTyphon ver 7.80
have fun...
9-6-2022 4:47:32 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.7
have fun...
23-6-2022 19:25:29 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 7.90 Revision 007820
have fun...
20-7-2022 7:41:43 Libaud: Hi,
20-7-2022 7:43:01 Libaud: I've downloded the 7.80 release and made a control with clamav.
So I've found that :
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/aarch64-linux.7z: Unix.Trojan.Mirai-9936831-0 FOUND
the complete log here :CodeTyphonIns/installbin/setup.sh: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/setup.bat: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/changeslog.txt: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/bingcc/gcc-mingw32.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/bingcc/CrossEng.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/bingcc/gcc-mingw64.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binCenter.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-x86_64-darwin.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-arm-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-i386-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-x86_64-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-x86_64-freebsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-aarch64-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-x86_64-freebsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-x86_64-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-aarch64-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-i386-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-x86_64-dragonfly.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-i386-win32.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-arm-linux.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-x86_64-netbsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt5-x86_64-darwin.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binqt/qt4-x86_64-win64.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binRuntimes.7z.001: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binsettings.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binlldb/lldb-win64.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binlldb/lldb-win32.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/arm-linux_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-freebsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-win64_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-netbsd_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-freebsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-darwin.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-win64.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-solaris_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-solaris.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/aarch64-linux_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/aarch64-freebsd.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-darwin.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-dragonfly_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-freebsd_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/x86_64-darwin_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/aarch64-freebsd_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-darwin_bootstrap.7z: OK
CodeTyphonIns/installbin/allzips/binfpc/i386-win32.7z: OK
20-7-2022 13:53:56 Sternas Stefanos: I thnk it's false alarm
20-7-2022 13:54:16 Sternas Stefanos: aarch64-linux.7z has only Linux exacutables
20-7-2022 13:54:51 Sternas Stefanos: We scan ALL CT files before any Release
31-7-2022 17:33:19 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon version 7.90 Revision 007860
Please test and report.
3-8-2022 8:49:12 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.8
have fun...
10-9-2022 8:40:07 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 4.9, have fun...
11-9-2022 18:56:43 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Studio ver 7.90 Final
have fun.
24-10-2022 14:26:33 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Studio ver 8.00
Please, test, report, suggest and
have fun
29-11-2022 8:10:32 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.00 Revision 007960
Please test, report, and
always Have fun....
11-12-2022 15:16:13 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.0
have fun.
4-1-2023 17:06:29 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon ver 8.00 Final
Have fun...
10-2-2023 9:46:45 Pierluigi Filippone: Hi,
10-2-2023 9:47:55 Pierluigi Filippone: is possible to download CodeTyphion 5.9
10-2-2023 9:48:28 Pierluigi Filippone: I need to make a small change to a old application, but I can't use new version.
10-2-2023 9:48:37 Pierluigi Filippone: Problem with Mormot
10-2-2023 9:48:46 Pierluigi Filippone: Problem wirth my library
10-2-2023 9:49:34 Pierluigi Filippone: Wasn't now in my plane to update my program
12-2-2023 15:24:12 Matis A.: Sorry, but we don't have so old CT version in our web server
18-2-2023 16:08:26 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.1
Have fun
13-3-2023 15:48:41 Donald Montaine: Getting constant web timeouts trying to download upgrade to 8.1
13-3-2023 21:28:22 Donald Montaine: Connection seems OK now
9-4-2023 15:41:30 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.10 revision 008060
Please, test, report or suggest and
have fun.
18-4-2023 20:17:20 MAURO VENTURA: problems to install last release of codetyphoon. .. Typhoon IDE is not installing so that freepascal..
18-4-2023 20:18:33 MAURO VENTURA: what does it means in verbose install messages : Makefile:135: *** Compiler C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_341/bin.exe not found. Stop.
18-4-2023 20:20:01 MAURO VENTURA: what does it means a call to java system??
18-4-2023 20:21:53 MAURO VENTURA: hello, is there someone in chat?
21-4-2023 17:36:37 Matis A.: Chat is only for Real-Time support, it's better to use our forum...
2-5-2023 1:19:34 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.10 revision 008070
Please, test, report or suggest and
have fun.
2-5-2023 19:08:58 Cuneyt: ello, is there someone in chat?
19-5-2023 15:56:11 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.2
have fun...
3-6-2023 6:46:20 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Final version 8.10
Have fun.
16-6-2023 9:35:05 Premysl Beran: The link to the changelog for CT doesn't work -> The requested URL /codetyphon/changeslog.txt was not found on this server.
16-6-2023 17:18:38 Matis A.: All OK here
7-7-2023 15:22:50 Matis A.: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.20 revision 008120
Please, test, report or suggest and
have fun.
27-7-2023 15:39:49 Angelo Mangiaracina: Hi, I have a problem to submit to you. I have a regural licence of unidac with sources, when try to compile ad install the packages with codetyphon I get some errors and cannot go further. I asked to devart if they was available to help me to solve the problem, but they answered taht only give support foe lazarus.
27-7-2023 15:40:49 Angelo Mangiaracina: Now I would ask to you if could be available to help me to remove these some little bugs.
27-7-2023 15:40:53 Angelo Mangiaracina: Reagrads
28-7-2023 1:39:09 Matis A.: Please post to our forum
only the errors, NO source code
6-8-2023 18:07:43 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Studio Ver 8.20 Revision 008150
please, test and report
7-8-2023 20:39:43 Nikola Stojkovic: Hey, all! Are there any download mirrors for the CT?
7-8-2023 20:42:15 Nikola Stojkovic: The reason I'm asking is that the maximum download speed I'm getting seems to be capped at ~120KBps. I tried 500Mbps fiber, 5G router, 4G mobile hotspot, getting the same ?
9-8-2023 15:31:26 Sternas Stefanos: Please, try again
13-8-2023 1:33:32 Javier: Hi
13-8-2023 1:37:39 Javier: Hi, I am trying to intall CT version 8.10 And I get this error: "Windows could not find the file binBase\x86_64-win64\pshortcut.exe" Could you help me ?
3-9-2023 14:55:57 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Studio Ver 8.20 Final.
Have fun.
4-9-2023 15:11:36 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.3
Have fun....
17-11-2023 9:28:51 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT ver 8.30 revision 008260
Please, test and report.
24-11-2023 9:54:28 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.4
Have fun ....
14-12-2023 8:20:05 Roman: Hi, where can I download Lab KT 8.31?
8-1-2024 18:59:37 Matis A.: Raspberry Pi 5 in our LAB for tests....
8-1-2024 19:00:44 Matis A.: more news soon ...
13-1-2024 18:33:37 Matis A.: We release LAB CT ver 8.30 revision 008270
Please, test, suggest and report here.
Have fun....
26-1-2024 19:24:28 Sternas Stefanos: We release Final CodeTyphon Studio ver 8.30
Have fun...
11-2-2024 4:17:39 Fernando Sandoval: The post message on forumn is working or down..
4-3-2024 14:56:55 Sternas Stefanos: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.5
Have fun.
12-3-2024 8:44:35 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8,40 Revision 8320
Please, test and report...
10-4-2024 18:22:49 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.40 revision 008350
Please test, suggest and report.
25-4-2024 16:44:41 satyendra: Hi PackageKit-gtk3-module was already installed but still Fedora 39 says "Failed to load pk-gtk-module".
The IDE menu is black and without any fonts.
12-5-2024 13:46:21 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 8.40 Revision 008370
Please test and report ....
19-5-2024 15:54:15 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon ver 8.40 Final,
have fun...
21-6-2024 17:25:57 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Ver 8.50 Revision 008420
Please test, report and suggest.
8-7-2024 11:05:17 Janusz: Ver. 8.1 How to set number of my program version. I can not found that please. There was something like "informacja o pojekcie" (in Polish...)
8-7-2024 16:58:34 Vbxler: CTRL+SHIFT+F11 -> Versioninformation
26-7-2024 17:18:17 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Ver 8.50 Revision 008440
Please test, report and suggest.
25-8-2024 8:53:41 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Ver 8.50 Revision 008460
Please test, report and suggest.
2-10-2024 7:15:16 Matis A.: We release PImager 8.50 RC
please test and report
2-10-2024 7:16:18 Matis A.: We release Cosmos4D 8.51 Beta 4.
Please test and report.
2-10-2024 7:17:21 Matis A.: We release GaiaCAD 8.50 BETA 4.
Please test and report.
2-10-2024 7:19:59 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 5.9
Have fun...
14-10-2024 16:10:22 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Studio version 8.50 Final
Have fun...
18-11-2024 10:30:15 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CodeTyphon Studio version 8.60 revision 008520
Have fun...
24-11-2024 8:56:33 Matis A.: We release Ultra Web Server (UWS) version 6.0
Have fun....
22-12-2024 14:17:04 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT version 8.60 revision 008540
Please, test and report.
7-2-2025 7:41:30 Sternas Stefanos: We release CodeTyphon Studio ver 8.60 Final
Have fun ....
23-3-2025 15:46:06 Sternas Stefanos: We release LAB CT version 8.70 revision 008620
Please, test, report or suggest.....