Installation on NetBSD



WARNING : On NetBSD OS, this installation request a user with sudo root privileges.
User name must have only English letters and without spaces.


Step : Preparation

Give to installation user sudo root privileges.

What is sudo ?

Users in the sudoers list are allowed the privileges to run commands and open files as the root user.

Open the file “sudoers” located at /usr/pkg/etc/sudoers using your favorite text editor.
You must have root permissions to be able to edit this file so you will want to open your editor from the command line.

If you use nano editor you can simply enter the following into the Terminal:

nano /usr/pkg/etc/sudoers

Once you have the sudoers file open, add as last line:


Ctrl+x to exit from nano and choose save (y/Y).
The new user has now been added to the “sudoers” file and can use the “sudo” command passwordless.


Give to installation user access to OS libraries

This procedure NOT needed to build FPC and Typhon IDE,
needed to run any GUI application on NetBSD.

Globally to ALL OS users

nano /etc/profile

add as last line:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R7/lib


Locally only to current user

nano ~/.profile

add as last line:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkg/lib:/usr/X11R7/lib



Step : Download

Download to your /home directory

Extract contents





Step : Install

Go to CodeTyphonIns directory and execute the "" (as "normal" user with "sudo" root privileges)

To execute from terminal script
cd CodeTyphonIns (go to CodeTyphonIns folder)
sh ./ (execute

Give zero "0" to Install CodeTyphon



Step : Setup and Build

After install script CT automatic will start Setup script info20.


Only for the first time of CodeTyphon installation in your Computer,
From "Setup Script" Select option (0) "Install System Libraries", to install some System Libraries
(2-5 minutes procedure)

From "Setup Script" info20 select option (8) "Remove and Build ALL" to Build Freepascal and Typhon IDE from source.
(10-45 minutes procedure)



Step : Use CT

Run Typhon IDE or CodeTyphon Center

Note: After installation you can remove "CodeTyphonIns” folder