CT on Debian 12

We test LAB CodeTyphon 8.30 on Debian 12.2

The Debian project develops the world's largest Linux distribution and announced the release of Debian 10,
code name "Buster", which will be supported for the next 5 years.
This new release of Debian comes with a lot more software than its predecessor; the distribution includes over 13,370 new packages, for a total of over 57,703 packages.
Most of the software in the distribution has been updated.
Debian again ships with several desktop applications and environments. Among others it now includes GNOME, KDE Plasma, LXDE, LXQt, MATE, Xfce, etc.
With buster, Debian brings a mandatory access control framework enabled by default.

More for Debian OS here dearth


System: Entry level PC with 1 CPU (4-Cores) / 8 Gbyte RAM / 120 Gbytes Hard Disk / 1920x1200 pixels Monitor
OS : Debian 12.2 64bits with MATE as frontend Desktop





OS things and stuff..

Debian 12 Linux is a true Multi-CPU and Multi-Platform OS.
For this test we install Xfce and MATE desktops.



Preparation-Give "sudo" root privileges

Open a terminal and exec

nano /etc/sudoers


add at the end of /etc/sudoers the line


Ctl-X to exit and Y to save





Download CodeTyphonIns.zip and unzip to your home directory


Open a terminal, and go to the new CodeTyphonIns directory

cd CodeTyphonIns

Start CodeTyphon Installation with command

sh ./install.sh

Give zero "0" to Install CodeTyphon




Setup and Build for GTK2

After CT install you can start CTCenter or to continue with the open terminal.

It's the first installation of CodeTyphon on this PC,
so we install "system libraries" select "0".


Select "8" to build all...




CTCenter and Typhon64 for GTK2, with ALL Docked Option (single Window)




Build Typhon IDE for QT5 (KDE5) 

You can Logging to Plasma Desktop for this...
but, it's NOT necessary,
you can build Typhon IDE for QT6 or QT5 or QT4 or GTk2 from ANY Unix desktop... 

a) Switch Typhon IDE Host Platform to QT5

CodeTyphon Center => Setup Dialog

and select QT5 Platform

b) Only for the first time, install OS System Libraries:

CodeTyphon Center =>HostPC=>"Install System Libraries"

CodeTyphon Center =>CodeTyphon=>QT Platform=>"QT5Pas Install Prebuild Libraries"

c) Remove and Build Typhon IDE for new Platform (QT5)

CodeTyphon Center =>Typhon IDE=>"Remove and Build"



Typhon64 for QT5 (KDE 5) with ALL Docked Option (single Window)




Build Typhon IDE for QT6 

You can Logging to Plasma Desktop for this...
but, it's NOT necessary,
you can build Typhon IDE for QT6 or QT5 or QT4 or GTk2 from ANY Unix desktop... 

a) Switch Typhon IDE Host Platform to QT6

CodeTyphon Center => Setup Dialog

and select QT6 Platform

b) Only for the first time, install OS System Libraries:

CodeTyphon Center =>HostPC=>"Install System Libraries"

CodeTyphon Center =>CodeTyphon=>QT Platform=>"QT6Pas Install Prebuild Libraries"

c) Remove and Build Typhon IDE for new Platform (QT6)

CodeTyphon Center =>Typhon IDE=>"Remove and Build"



Typhon64 for QT6 with ALL Docked Option (single Window)