pilotlogic9 wrote: 'Messages' window top is set too low for large 15.4" laptop display.
Tried menu selection 'View/Messages'. Still no find.
Tried resetting environnmentoptions.xml and GlassDockingRuntime.xml. Were both out of my screen bottom range. I had to play with it a bit because it kept resetting the 'top' back to the original number. After closing the project and then closing Lazarus with the 'Quit Lazarus' button, it held ok.
<Caption Value="Messages"/>
<WindowPlacement Value="RestoreWindowGeometry"/>
<CustomPosition Left="306" Top="826" Width="913" Height="90"/>
//changed to: <CustomPosition Left="306" Top="196" Width="913" Height="90"/>
<WindowState Value="Normal"/>
<Visible Value="True"/>
Left this out:
<Item4 Name="MessagesView" Type="Control">
<Bounds Left="270" Top="796" Width="927" Height="90">
//changed to: <Bounds Left="270" Top="196" Width="927" Height="90">
<Rect Right="1280" Bottom="770"/>