In order to avoid the error messages that appear on each start of a debug session, one needs to add some folders in the Defence+ Exclusion list.
I have Comodo 5.9.xx version installed on my pc and the following procedure is based on it.
1. Open the Comodo control panel and select the Defence+ tab.
2. Click on Defence+ Settings
3. Select Execution Control Settings tab
4. Click on Exclusions button.
5. Click the Add button and select Browse... menu
6. Navigate to the C:/codetyphon directory and add it.
7. Navigate to the ROOT FOLDER of your FPC / Lazarus projects and add it too
So on my pc the exclusion's list has 2 items:
c:\MyCode\FP* <- under this folder i keep ALL of my FreePascal / Lazarus projects
In case a user has scattered projects on C: drive it is BETTER to add each folder separately instead of the C: drive