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Components and Libraries for Graphics Development, discussions, problems and suggestions.
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Graphics32 problem on UBUNTU 12.04 LTS 10 years 9 months ago #5244

  • jfmadre60
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I am completely novice on Linux. I try to compile under Linux a soft writed under Lazarus windows.
CodeTyphon installation seems to work properly (Thanks :) ), But Graphics32 of CodeTyphon under Linux Ubuntu do not works properly :
trying to write something in a TImage32 (either using Image32.Bitmap.Textout or RenderText function causes an error in the unit unit GR32_Backends_LCL_Gtk.
it seems that the FCanvas used in TLCLBackend remains always = nil, and then all the function using the Canvas property of the Bitmap32 causes an error.
Draw function also does'nt work.
I have found no solution except create in my soft a TBitmap , writing the text in it, and copy the result pixel by pixel using Pixels functions.
Is there a better solution ?

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Graphics32 problem on UBUNTU 12.04 LTS 10 years 9 months ago #5245

  • Sternas Stefanos
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Thanks Sir,
can you give us more source info and your CT ver ?
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Graphics32 problem on UBUNTU 12.04 LTS 10 years 9 months ago #5246

  • jfmadre60
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CT 4.70
Minimum Source to detect the problem :
1 MainForm with just 1 component TImage32, 1 TEdit to enter text and a button to write the text of the edit on the Timage32
Image32 : TImage32;
Edit1 : TEdit;
Button1 : TButton;
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

There is an error when I click on the Button (that calls Button1Click). Any other TBitmap32 procedure that uses at any moment the Canvas property (RenderText, Draw, TextWidth...) causes also an error.
Thanks for your help.

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