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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3109

  • RockyLuck
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Compiling a project, that uses pl_Orca (in 2D only), produces an Identifier not found (file D2D1_JSB.pas not found). If I add to the requirements list of pl_Orca the package pl_win_directx11 the problem disappears.

Because this is not a very portable solution, am I doing something wrong? Is there a better way to fix the file not found error?

Thanks :)

PS. To reproduce the error message I removed the pl_win_directx11 dependency from the pl_Orca package. I rebuilt the package clean and the project that uses pl_Orca too. But now the error didn't surface anymore :sick:

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3110

  • Konstantinos Papadoulas
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Hi RockyLuck

Please provide some basic information like:
1) Version of Windows (XP, Vista, etc)
2) Architect of windows (x86, x96, etc)
3) Native language of Windows (If the menus of the core windows apps are in English or something else)

Then, searching in this forum (i don't have the time right now to do it myself) you will find solutions to the problems
rising with DirectX 11. For sure you are not the only one who came accross that :).

Portability does not automatically implies uniformity. If the developers decide that DirectX works better in windows than
OpenGL (or anything similar) then they will implement it in DirectX for the Windows platform (or, sometimes, both ways).

I would like to take your side in your choice of the pl_Orca graphics library and to ensure you that a solution will be

Thank you for your attention and i am waiting for your reply.


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3112

  • RockyLuck
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As the title already suggested, it was a 64 bit environment. In my case I use Windows 8. The Windows menus are in Dutch.

If the compiler uses DirectX 11, what does this mean for the end product. If a customer runs Windows XP 32 bit, which DirectX version is needed? Do I have to supply runtimes?


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3156

  • Konstantinos Papadoulas
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I also faced a strange error with a very simple application with pl_ORCA in windows 8 x64.
I have my program compiled in my Win7 x64 Desktop PC and then transfered via a File/Folder sync program (FreeFileSync to be more accurate)
to my Win8 x64 Laptop. When i tried to run my application i got the following error:

"A referral was returned from the Server"

But at the end i managed to get arround this problem by going to the Properties of my executable and in Compatibillity mode i checked the
"Run this program as an administrator". I did it that way because when i tried to Right Click on the executable and select "Run as administrator"
i had the same error again.

Apart from that the compilation never failed. I tried both Lazarus x86 & x64 environments. Again a problem i had with the debugger got solved by
setting the Compatibillity mode to "Run as an administrator" in the Shortcuts of both the Lazarus environments.

One thing to mention thought. My Laptop's original OS was Win7 x64 Home Premioum and i performed an upgrade to Win8 x64 Professional. Maybe this is
the reason of the Privilleges problems i just described...

About WinXP and pl_Orca. Your question is absolutelly right. Forgive me if i misunderstood it. I cannot say at this time which DirectX version
will require so i am waiting for the release of the new CT Studio in a couple of days (as mr Sternas confirmed) in order to do some tests with
the different windows environments.


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3159

  • Sternas Stefanos
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For MS Windows, pl_ORCA 2D use DirectX 10 MS API
this API is part of pl_DirectX11 CT package

please see at "uses" of unit orca_scene2d.pas

Windows, Messages, Registry, ShellAPI, ActiveX, CommCtrl, MultiMon,

//DirectX 10
D2D1_JSB, D3D10_JSB, D3D10_1_JSB, D3DX10_JSB, DirectWrite_JSB,
// GDI


At this CodeTyphon version only pl_AsphyreSphinx can use native DirectX 11 MS API
after user code

We working on pl_OCRA with OpenGL API for Windows...
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3160

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sternas wrote: Guys
For MS Windows, pl_ORCA 2D use DirectX 10 MS API
this API is part of pl_DirectX11 CT package

Thanks very much for this clarification.

Using DirectX 10 means the use of the pl_Orca library is limited to end users that run Windows Vista, 7 or 8. The vast group of users that are still running Windows XP are excluded.

Mr Sternas, is this true? Isn't it possible to produce a limited subset of pl_Orca (eg. only the 2D part) that will work with DirectX 9.0c?

It's such a pity that I have to abandon using pl_Orca because of this :pinch:

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3163

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No Sir
DirectX 10 exist and to WinXP
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3164

  • Konstantinos Papadoulas
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I confirm the normal and proper execution of a pl_Orca application in Windows XP x86 SP3 (Native English).

Running the DXdiag tool it reported DirectX 9.0c but my application runs smoothly.

So for me pl_Orca worked in WinXP and since my test succeded i hope RockyLuck just got a little happier! ;)


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3165

  • RockyLuck
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sternas wrote: Guys
For MS Windows, pl_ORCA 2D use DirectX 10 MS API
this API is part of pl_DirectX11 CT package

please see at "uses" of unit orca_scene2d.pas

Windows, Messages, Registry, ShellAPI, ActiveX, CommCtrl, MultiMon,

//DirectX 10
D2D1_JSB, D3D10_JSB, D3D10_1_JSB, D3DX10_JSB, DirectWrite_JSB,
// GDI



I'm getting confused. Here we have two moderators (papadouk en sternas) who contradict themselves. Sternas says pl_Orca is based om DirectX 10 and even has sourcecode to prove it! Papadouk says that tests show that pl_Orca based programs run well in Windows XP (which allows only for DirectX 9.0c).

I would like to get a definitive answer from Sternas, who is involved, apparently, in the developmennt of pl_Orca. Allthough my tests also show that pl_Orca based applications run well with Windows XP, I would like to know which DirectX 10 specific things are present in pl_Orca.
I would like to ensure that pl_Orca keeps running under Windows XP in the future. So could that become part of the design goals? If only the 2D part, that's OK too. But if it's not in the design goals, it will be forgotten in the future.

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3166

  • Sternas Stefanos
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pl_Orca 2D uses DirectX 10
running (and will be running) OK on WinXp, Win-Vista, Win7 and Win8

The reason I made this Company PilotLogic and CodeTyphon Studio is:
Programmer stability and certainty for future
so, we are on the same side...
and we will not make the same mistakes like others... :)

I think my post is very clear.
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3167

  • RockyLuck
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sternas wrote: Sir
pl_Orca 2D uses DirectX 10
running (and will be running) OK on WinXp, Win-Vista, Win7 and Win8

Thank you Mr. Sternas,

The confusion stems from the combination of DirectX 10 and Windows XP.
You see, DirectX 10 is not supported in Windows XP. It simply will not work. Only DirectX 9.0c will.

However you say: "pl_Orca uses DirectX 10". And with Windows XP that's impossible. So my question is not answered, I'm afraid. The fact that it actually runs in Windows XP is very nice. However it should be a matter of design to make that happen. Because you say pl_Orca needs DirectX 10, I'm still worried that it only runs with Windows XP by chance.

That said, I'm very glad with your commitment to total portability. And I commend you for that wholeheartedly ;)

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3175

  • Konstantinos Papadoulas
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I apologise for the confusion i may brought in this topic. I only meant to help.

The test i did on WinXP was basically for me to see in first hand the behavior of the pl_Orca under a windows version that
the DXdiag tool reported it has DirectX 9.0c and secondly to report the good news to this forum.

At least everything is cool now ;)


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3176

  • RockyLuck
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papadouk wrote: I apologise for the confusion i may brought in this topic. I only meant to help.

Don't worry about it. Your posts made me test in Windows XP too. And with favorable results. So, that was a valuable contribution :)

But everything is not cool yet. The support for pl_Orca under Windows XP must be by design, not by chance. So, I still would like some clarification from Mr Sternas. :dry:

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3177

  • Chris
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Just to add to this - it's not quite true that DirectX 10 doesn't work in WinXP, officially it doesn't but that doesn't mean it can't work, see;


I guess Microsoft have a plan that a number of people keep trying to mess up...


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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3178

  • Sternas Stefanos
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RockyLuck wrote:

papadouk wrote: I apologise for the confusion i may brought in this topic. I only meant to help.

Don't worry about it. Your posts made me test in Windows XP too. And with favorable results. So, that was a valuable contribution :)

But everything is not cool yet. The support for pl_Orca under Windows XP must be by design, not by chance. So, I still would like some clarification from Mr Sternas. :dry:

I don't understand where is the problem guys
OCRA 2D library work (and) on WinXP SP3 and this is a fact.

Better "clarification" from that ?
PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Project using pl_Orca won't compile in Windows 64 12 years 1 month ago #3183

  • RockyLuck
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sternas wrote: Better "clarification" from that ?

Thank you.

All the confusion came from your statement "pl_Orca 2D uses DirectX 10" in an earlier post.
Since DirectX 10 is not supported in Windows XP (apart from some third party libs) I started to worry.

But studying the sources of pl_Orca has convinced me that pl_Orca is really based on DirectX 9

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