I have big project which use Typhon version 5.10.
Now I tried to compile it with version 5.30 (Win32 version)
So far I found following inconsistance.
1. VirtualTreeView package is impossible to cross compile from Typhon Win32 to win64. You get error: Error: Illegal processor type "x86_64-Rintel".
I know that this was the same error as in version 5.20 and it was avoidable if you choose in Compiler Options/Parsing comiler options Default instead of Intel.
With version 5.30 this does not work any more.
2. Component TfrBarCodeView is renamed to TfrBarcodeView which makes it impossible to load forms which use TFrBarCodeView. You need to change lfm manually in notepad
3. GZip problem in indy components still exists: At line 630 you need to put
//&&&& Fix (add the following lines)
if (strm.avail_in = 0) and (strm.avail_out = 0) then begin
//&&&& Fix end
4. When you use Postgres and you make Win64 application, all postgres fields which are float, are taked by application as FMTBCD and result is multiplied with 10000
Try this select and read values SELECT CODE_DATABASE, CAST(1.401 as NUMERIC(8,4)) as NUM1, CAST(1.401 as NUMERIC(28, 8)) as NUM2 FROM CONF_DATABASE.
MyNum11 := MyQuery.FieldByName('NUM1').AsFloat;
MyNum21 := MyQuery.FieldByName('NUM2').AsFloat;
5. If you try to open old project which have form opened (saved in session), and this form are inherited from some other form, then Typhon first hangs and then crash. To avoid this problem you need to uncheck embedded form designer, restart typhon and then try to open project.
6. This is very BIG error which make this version not good for production. In DataUtils.inc there is big error in function
Function LocalTimeToUniversal(LT: TDateTime;TZOffset: Integer): TDateTime;
I use this function to convert local time to utc
Prior version was correct:
Function LocalTimeToUniversal(LT: TDateTime;TZOffset: Integer): TDateTime;
if (TZOffset > 0) then
Result := LT + EncodeTime(TZOffset div 60, TZOffset mod 60, 0, 0)
else if (TZOffset < 0) then
Result := LT - EncodeTime(Abs(TZOffset) div 60, Abs(TZOffset) mod 60, 0, 0)
Result := LT;
New version is:
Function LocalTimeToUniversal(LT: TDateTime;TZOffset: Integer): TDateTime;
if (TZOffset > 0) then
Result := LT - EncodeTime(TZOffset div 60, TZOffset mod 60, 0, 0)
else if (TZOffset < 0) then
Result := LT + EncodeTime(Abs(TZOffset) div 60, Abs(TZOffset) mod 60, 0, 0)
Result := LT;
They changed in LT - and LT + which gives opposite result. Insted time is minus, you retrive time plus and opposite.
Regards, Dinko