Hello there!
Indy Client component on a form, but simply put, by writing a program, Wince was to compile as an executable file, an error occurred.
The error message is as follows.
C:\codetyphon\typhon\components\pl_Indy\source\base\IdGlobal.pas(4203,33) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "PChar", expected "PWideChar"
C:\codetyphon\typhon\components\pl_Indy\source\base\IdGlobal.pas(4455,43) Error: Identifier not found "GetWindowsDirectory"
C:\codetyphon\typhon\components\pl_Indy\source\base\IdGlobal.pas(7232,79) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 5: Got "PChar", expected "PWideChar"
C:\codetyphon\typhon\components\pl_Indy\source\base\IdGlobal.pas(7271,79) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 5: Got "PChar", expected "PWideChar"
Tell you how to fix would be appreciated.
PS. Google translator to understand because it is written in a sentence, please.