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Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2431

  • firliri
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I can't install arm-wince cross compilation under CT 2.80 for FPC32 under Win7 64 bits. CodeTyphon seemed to install properly and Lazarus 32 and 64 correctly run.

Within logs of the batch x_FPC_Build_Cross, I obtain :
1) General batch log :

FPC32 // to verify parameters

FPC32 Build Cross for arm-wince
ECHO [INFO]: !!! Cross compiler Executable ppcrossarm.exe for FPC32, Build OK. !!! // really ???
[ERROR]: FPC32 Cross Element for arm-wince NOT Exists

2) at the end of the Clean stage :

Clean FPC32
Impossible de trouver C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\*.exe
Impossible de trouver C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\utils\*.exe
Impossible de trouver c:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\utils\*.exe

3) Copy stage seems OK

4) Compiler stage seems OK

5) Utils stage :

C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: Entering directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/utils/fpcm'
C:/codetyphon/fpc/bin/i386-win32/gmkdir.exe -p units/i386-win32
ppc386.exe -Fu../../rtl/units/i386-win32 -Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process -Fu../../packages/hash -Fu../../packages/fpmkunit -Fu../../packages/fcl-base -FE. -FUunits/i386-win32 -di386 fpcmake.pp
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\system.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\fpintres.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\objpas.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\getopts.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\sysutils.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\windows.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\sysconst.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\windirs.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\dos.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\strings.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\classes.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\rtlconsts.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\types.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\typinfo.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/13 10:03:24); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
fpcmdic.pp(71,1) Fatal: There were 14 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [fpcmake.exe] Error 1
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/utils/fpcm'

6) at the end of the last compiler executable make stage :

system.pp(1849) Error: Assembler arm-wince-as.exe not found, switching to external assembling
system.pp(1849) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make.exe[5]: *** [system.ppu] Error 1
make.exe[5]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/wince'
make.exe[4]: *** [wince_all] Error 2
make.exe[4]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl'
make.exe[3]: *** [rtl] Error 2
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/compiler'
make.exe[2]: *** [cycle] Error 2
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/compiler'
make.exe[1]: *** [compiler_cycle] Error 2
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc'
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [build-stamp.arm-wince] Error 2

I don't understand much of it, but it seems something's wrong...

I can't install any of the other cross-compilation elements in the list.

Thanks for your advices.

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Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2471

  • Rain
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Same result here on Win7-64 trying to build:

with same errors.
I remember it was working a few versions ago, but Win-Support got some regression in favor to recently added Linux features lately... ;)

Unfortunately I'm not a build-script wizard, so I can not find out how to fix it without possibly breaking other things, nor succeeding in a timely manner...

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Last edit: by Rain.

Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2472

  • Sternas Stefanos
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1) remove any old freepascal and lazarus installations
2) rebuild CT
3) Don't build win64 cross element first but only win32 cross element
4) run CTCenter as administrator and build ONLY win32 cross element
and report again

PilotLogic Architect and Core Programmer

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Last edit: by Sternas Stefanos.

Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2474

  • Rain
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Of course you are perfectly right. (And thanks for the fast hint.) By starting CT Center properly with admin privileges, the build process succeeds.
I think I'm getting old forgetting those things.... ;)

There is still an Error in the log, but it seems to cause no adverse effect:

C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: Entering directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/utils/fpcm'
C:/codetyphon/fpc/bin/i386-win32/gmkdir.exe -p units/i386-win32
ppc386.exe -Fu../../rtl/units/i386-win32 -Fu../../packages/paszlib -Fu../../packages/fcl-process -Fu../../packages/hash -Fu../../packages/fpmkunit -Fu../../packages/fcl-base -FE. -FUunits/i386-win32 -di386 fpcmake.pp
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\system.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\fpintres.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\objpas.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\getopts.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\sysutils.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\windows.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\sysconst.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\windirs.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\dos.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\strings.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\classes.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\rtlconsts.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\types.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
Error: Unit C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\rtl\units\i386-win32\typinfo.ppu was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input (C:\codetyphon\fpcsrc\compiler\pp2.wpo, 2012/08/31 11:16:18); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation
fpcmdic.pp(71,1) Fatal: There were 14 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [fpcmake.exe] Error 1
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/utils/fpcm'

And this one:
make.exe[5]: Entering directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/linux'
C:/codetyphon/fpc/bin/i386-win32/gmkdir.exe -p C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux
powerpc-linux-as  -o C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux/prt0.o powerpc/prt0.as
powerpc-linux-as  -o C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux/dllprt0.o powerpc/dllprt0.as
powerpc-linux-as  -o C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux/cprt0.o powerpc/cprt0.as
powerpc-linux-as  -o C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux/gprt0.o powerpc/gprt0.as
C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/compiler/ppcrossppc.exe -Ur -Tlinux -Ppowerpc -XPpowerpc-linux- -Xr -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../powerpc -Fi../unix -Fipowerpc -FE. -FUC:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/units/powerpc-linux -dpowerpc -dRELEASE  -Us -Sg system.pp
text.inc(1774,14) Warning: Implicit string type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString"
text.inc(1998,44) Warning: Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from "UnicodeString" to "AnsiString"
system.pp(380) Error: Assembler powerpc-linux-as.exe not found, switching to external assembling
system.pp(380) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make.exe[5]: *** [system.ppu] Error 1
make.exe[5]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl/linux'
make.exe[4]: *** [linux_all] Error 2
make.exe[4]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/rtl'
make.exe[3]: *** [rtl] Error 2
make.exe[3]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/compiler'
make.exe[2]: *** [cycle] Error 2
make.exe[2]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc/compiler'
make.exe[1]: *** [compiler_cycle] Error 2
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `C:/codetyphon/fpcsrc'
C:\codetyphon\fpc\bin\i386-win32\make.exe: *** [build-stamp.powerpc-linux] Error 2
        1 Datei(en) kopiert.

[INFO]: !!! Cross compiler Executable ppcrossppc.exe for FPC32, Build OK. !!!

Still the cross-element for powerpc-linux is created and my PPC-test-project cross-compiles, only linking fails, although I copied all libs from the target system (Linux plu405_GA0526 2.4.21 #1 Mo 25. Jun 14:30:57 CEST 2007 ppc unknown) to a lib dir, and pointed the project -Fl to there.
The linker only finds the first libdl.so correctly, but then complains about:
C:\codetyphon_ipclibs\/libdl.so: undefined reference to `strcpy@GLIBC_2.0'
C:\codetyphon_ipclibs\/libdl.so: undefined reference to `free@GLIBC_2.0'
C:\codetyphon_ipclibs\/libdl.so: undefined reference to `write@GLIBC_2.0'
C:\codetyphon_ipclibs\/libdl.so: undefined reference to `__dcgettext@GLIBC_2.0'
C:\codetyphon_ipclibs\/libdl.so: undefined reference to `_dl_close@GLIBC_2.0'

libc.so and libstdc++.so and it's variants (libstdc++.so.6, libstdc++.so.6.0.2) are there...

But this is not related to CT, only a typical libs issue while crosscompiling... :unsure:

Thank you for the admin hint (maybe not the first nor last time).

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Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2475

  • Rain
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Oh, you edited your post. Ok, I will start over with complete clean CT install and Build.

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Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2480

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Here my report after complete delete and fresh install and fresh cross element, using CT-Center 2.80 32-bit only, also as admin.
The errors listed above occurred again in the same way, but the cross element again built successfully according to the last line of the logfile.

Well, have a nice weekend, as it works at least somehow. :)

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Cross-compilation Installation Fails 12 years 5 months ago #2481

  • firliri
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Thanks for advices.

Running CT with admin rigths seemed to have solved the problem : perhaps could it have checked by CT, delivering a message !

Nevermind, the aim seems reached...

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