LAMW External Tools
- Details
- Category: Android with LAMW
- Published: Friday, 26 November 2021 07:46
- Written by Administrator
- Hits: 5861
This procedure is only for Windows 10 64bit or Windows 11 64bit.
This procedure request minimum about 30 GBytes free disk space.
This procedure support only CT ver 8.30 and above.
For this tutorial we user Drive D: to setup LAMW needed Java Tools.
You can use any other drive you want.
The "one directory" that we propose in this tutorial, it's NOT mandatory.
1. Java Tools
LAMW for CodeTyphon Studio need some external tools to work
- Android Studio
- Gradle
- Apache Ant
All these are tools from Java programming world.
2. Download JAVA JDK 21
To download JAVA JDK 21 you need an Oracle Account
Go to
1) Select Java 21 for Windows
2) Download jdk-21_windows-x64_bin.exe or a newest file.
3. Download Android Studio
Go to
Download No .exe installer or a newest file.
4. Download Gradle
Go to
Download binary-only, or a newest gradle-8.5.x file.
5. Download Apache Ant
Go to
Download or a newest file.
6. Setup Tools Directory
On a hard disk with 30 GB Plus free space, create directory "Android".
in this directory Create directory "sdk"
Copy all above files to the new directory "Android".
1) Install jdk-21_windows-x64_bin.exe to your PC
2) Unzip all other tools files.
3) Remove ALL tools downloaded files.
Go to D:\Android\android-studio\bin\ directory
Make a shortcut of studio64.exe to your desktop.