5-13 16:38:22 | Konstantin | Please add strings to ln_All_Functions.sh file for support Alt Linux distributive: |
5-10 19:20:26 | Sternas Stefanos |
We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 6.9 Revision 006810 please test, report and have fun |
5-8 21:01:22 | Matis A. | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 08-05-2019 SVN Rev 42022 |
5-6 15:54:59 | Matis A. | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 06-05-2019 SVN Rev 42010 |
5-6 15:54:40 | Matis A. | have fun |
5-6 15:54:30 | Matis A. | We release FINAL UWS ver 2.2 |
5-5 17:16:43 | Matis A. |
We update our Web Servers please report any problem |
4-26 14:26:07 | Sternas Stefanos | Update LLDB to ver 8.0.0 for Win32 and Win64 (Released: 20-03-2019) |
4-26 14:26:06 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 26-04-2019 SVN Rev 41939 |
4-24 1:58:28 | Matis A. | CodeTyphon on OpenBSD , soon... |
4-20 17:14:44 | Matis A. |
We release Final CodeTyphon Studio ver 6.8 have fun... |
4-19 17:56:03 | Sternas Stefanos | Ubuntu 19.04 in our LAB for tests... |
4-18 14:29:24 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 18-04-2019 SVN Rev 41897 |
4-16 19:30:47 | Sternas Stefanos | Update pl_Cindy to Ver 6.8.1 (Internal version 8.26.00) |
4-16 19:30:38 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 16-04-2019 SVN Rev 41887 |
4-12 17:51:36 | Sternas Stefanos |
We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 6.80 Revision 006750 RC1 have fun... |
4-10 16:12:28 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 10-04-2019 SVN Rev 41857 |
4-8 13:42:52 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 08-04-2019 SVN Rev 41849 |
3-25 1:50:11 | Sternas Stefanos |
We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 6.80 Revision 006745 BETA 2 have fun |
3-20 17:24:29 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 20-03-2019 SVN Rev 41755 |
3-19 16:17:59 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 19-03-2019 SVN Rev 41742 |
3-18 17:06:35 | Sternas Stefanos | ADD/Update Support for Solus Linux 4.0 |
3-18 16:27:35 | Sternas Stefanos | ADD/Update Support for ROSA Linux R11 |
3-17 16:15:16 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 17-03-2019 SVN Rev 41729 |
3-14 10:16:28 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 13-03-2019 SVN Rev 41693 |
3-12 4:15:57 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 12-03-2019 SVN Rev 41683 |
3-11 2:46:36 | Sternas Stefanos | Please Sir, post to our forum for help |
3-10 0:13:28 | Anthony | Evening all, just a curiosity question: can I install a lazarus lpk component into CodeTyphon? I have a program that I wrote awhile back using lazarus with the lzRichEdit component, was going to do a rewrite with CodeTyphon and the component is not apart of it, and the IDE will not allow me to see the form to replace/remove the component without first removing the component... any help would be appreciated! |
3-7 6:17:01 | Matis A. | Update pl_CastleEngine to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : d16866ed1925f9de052e2f86cd72236e69c8f4b4 |
3-7 6:16:47 | Matis A. | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 07-03-2019 SVN Rev 41623 |
3-5 18:27:57 | Matis A. |
-- -Update pl_Vulkan to Ver 6.8.1 (Khronos REF version 1.1.102-core) |
3-5 18:27:41 | Matis A. |
-- -Update pl_Indy to Ver 6.8.1 Source SVN Rev 5495 -Update pl_FPSpreadsheet to Ver 6.8.1 Source SVN Rev 6824 |
3-5 18:27:23 | Matis A. |
-- -Update pl_GLScene to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_BASS to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_CgShader to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_FMOD to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_NGD to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_ODE to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_OpenAL to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 -Update pl_GLScene_SDL to Ver 6.8.1 Synchronize Source with SVN Rev 7148 |
3-5 18:27:05 | Matis A. | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 05-03-2019 SVN Rev 41600 |
3-2 19:15:02 | Matis A. |
We release LAB CodeTyphon ver 6.80 Revision 006720 test, report, suggest and have fun.... |
2-27 3:49:54 | Sternas Stefanos |
Updates: pl_CEF4Typhon to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : 244cb180d8d4221ff6a3f6fc23150f0f27ce8053 pl_HashLib4Pascal to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : b56e1afc91e80d174f110e717f5c9c9f780dfe0d fpGUI_Toolkit to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : 4d15f73a59b970e51a9b03c425d103e4edb81c50 pl_BGRAControls to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : b6083a383c72901f6fb8a6d7a43f0416e43b6ee5 pl_QRCodeGen to Ver 6.8.1 Source GIT hash : bf755a70d05793e67f1898078d542240b2af1afb |
2-27 3:48:20 | Sternas Stefanos | Synchronize with FreePascal 3.3.1 Source 27-02-2019 SVN Rev 41500 |
2-26 10:15:35 | Sternas Stefanos |
We release Ultra Web Server Ver 2.0 Have fun... |
2-24 5:38:03 | Sternas Stefanos |
Please post bugs to our Forum Chat is only for extreme "live" support... |
2-20 15:29:19 | William Pattillo | trying to use incminute() [hr day...] and they do not work, even after app processmessage |
2-20 1:56:56 | Pancho | Where should we post bugs? In the forum? Thanks! |
2-19 16:14:11 | Randall |
It contains a Mysql stored procedure that is called: RPT_COSTOS_CONSUMOS_COMBUSTIBLE and the sentence is: BEGIN if AUX_TIPO_RPT = 'Hist x Dates' then select ecc.date as Date, dcc.idplaca as 'Id Active', concat (ifnull (ati.marca, ''), '', ifnull (ati.modelo, ''), '', ifnull (ati.serie, '')) as Descripcion, concat (dcc.idarticulo, '-', art.descripcion) as 'Articulo', dcc.litros as Liters, dcc.horim_kilom as 'Hr / Km' from enc_consumo_combustible as ecc inner join det_consumo_combustible as dcc on ecc.idboleta = dcc.idboleta inner join activosti as ati on ati.idplaca = dcc.idplaca inner join articles as art on art.idarticulo = dcc.idarticulo where ecc.date between AUX_DESDE and AUX_HASTA order by dcc.idarticulo, ecc.fecha, dcc.idplaca; else if AUX_TIPO_RPT = 'Hist x Dates x Assets' then select ecc.date as Date, dcc.idplaca as 'Id Active', concat (ifnull (ati.marca, ''), '', ifnull (ati.modelo, ''), '', ifnull (ati.serie, '')) as Descripcion, concat (dcc.idarticulo, '-', art.descripcion) as 'Articulo', dcc.litros as Liters, dcc.horim_kilom as 'Hr / Km' from enc_consumo_combustible as ecc inner join det_consumo_combustible as dcc on ecc.idboleta = dcc.idboleta inner join activosti as ati on ati.idplaca = dcc.idplaca inner join articles as art on art.idarticulo = dcc.idarticulo where ecc.date between AUX_DESDE and AUX_HASTA and dcc.idplaca between ACTIVO_DEZDE and ACTIVO_HASTA order by dcc.idplaca, ecc.date, dcc.horim_kilom; end if; end if; END |
2-19 16:10:37 | Randall |
Error: El proyecto Gesagric 2018 ha lanzado una excepción de la clase 'External: SIGSEGV'. En archivo '.\source\parsesql\ZGenericSqlAnalyser.pas' en linea 357: if (Tokens[i].P^ = '(') and (Tokens[i].L = 1) then |
2-19 16:10:29 | Randall | this is the exception |
2-19 16:05:00 | Randall |
ZSPCostosCombustible.Params.ParamByName('AUX_DESDE').AsDate:=DateTimePicker1.Date; ZSPCostosCombustible.Params.ParamByName('AUX_HASTA').AsDate:=DateTimePicker2.Date; ZSPCostosCombustible.Params.ParamByName('ACTIVO_DESDE').AsString:=MaskEdit1.Text; ZSPCostosCombustible.Params.ParamByName('ACTIVO_HASTA').AsString:=MaskEdit2.Text; ZSPCostosCombustible.Open; |
2-19 16:04:22 | Randall | this is the code fragment that I have |
2-19 15:49:18 | Randall | the stored procedure of zeos when sending parameters and opening the connection this generates an exception |
2-19 15:47:05 | Randall | Hello |
2-18 17:55:23 | Pancho | Thank you! |
2-18 17:14:28 | Sternas Stefanos | For the moment please use UWS Elements Manager Form |