[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Source position: PasVulkan.FileFormats.PPM.pas line 71
type TpvPPM = class |
public |
const |
Version = 1 |
public |
type |
TVertex = packed record |
Position: TpvVector3; |
TangentSpace: TpvUInt32; |
end; |
PVertex = ^TVertex; |
TVertices = array of TVertex; |
TFullVertex = record |
Position: TpvVector3; |
Tangent: TpvVector3; |
Bitangent: TpvVector3; |
Normal: TpvVector3; |
end; |
PFullVertex = ^TFullVertex; |
TFullVertices = array of TFullVertex; |
TTexCoords = array of TpvUInt16Vector2; |
PIndex = ^TIndex; |
TIndices = array of TIndex; |
TFrame = record |
public |
Time: TpvDouble; |
Vertices: TVertices; |
FullVertices: TFullVertices; |
procedure Pack; |
procedure Unpack; |
end; |
PFrame = ^TFrame; |
TFrames = array of TFrame; |
TAnimation = record |
Frames: TFrames; |
end; |
PAnimation = ^TAnimation; |
TAnimations = array of TAnimation; |
TPresetAnimation = record |
Index: TpvSizeInt; |
Name: TpvUTF8String; |
end; |
PPresetAnimation = ^TPresetAnimation; |
TPresetAnimations = array [0..CountPresetAnimations-1] of TPresetAnimation; |
TSignature = array [0..3] of AnsiChar; |
TMaterialHeader = packed record |
BaseColorFactor: TpvVector4; |
EmissiveFactorOcclusionStrength: TpvVector4; |
MetallicRoughnessFactorNormalScale: TpvVector4; |
BaseColorTextureSize: TpvUInt32; |
NormalTextureSize: TpvUInt32; |
MetallicRoughnessTextureSize: TpvUInt32; |
OcclusionTextureSize: TpvUInt32; |
EmissiveTextureSize: TpvUInt32; |
end; |
TFileHeader = packed record |
Signature: TSignature; |
Version: TpvUInt32; |
CountVertices: TpvUInt32; |
CountIndices: TpvUInt32; |
CountAnimations: TpvUInt32; |
BoundingBoxMin: TpvVector3; |
BoundingBoxMax: TpvVector3; |
BoundingSphere: TpvVector4; |
MaterialHeader: TMaterialHeader; |
end; |
PFileHeader = ^TFileHeader; |
public |
const |
Signature = TSignature; = ('P', 'P', 'M', 'F') |
PresetAnimations = TPresetAnimations; = ((Index: 0; Name: 'grow'), (Index: 1; Name: 'blossoms'), (Index: 2; Name: 'falloff'), (Index: 3; Name: 'wither')) |
public |
type |
end; |
| | ||
TObject |
CT Web help |
CodeTyphon Studio |