Unit 'flcTLSCipherSuite' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] [#pl_fundamentals]



Source position: flcTLSCipherSuite.pas line 1012

const TLSCipherSuiteCipherInfo: array [TTLSCipherSuiteCipher] of TTLSCipherSuiteCipherInfo = ((Name: ''; CipherType: tlscsctNone; BulkCipher: tlscsbcNone; KeyBits: 0; KeyMaterial: 0; ExpKeyMat: 0; IVSize: 0; BlockSize: 0; Exportable: True; Supported: False), (Name: 'NULL'; CipherType: tlscsctNULL; BulkCipher: tlscsbcNULL; KeyBits: 0; KeyMaterial: 0; ExpKeyMat: 0; IVSize: 0; BlockSize: 0; Exportable: True; Supported: True), (Name: 'RC2_CBC_40'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcRC2; KeyBits: 40; KeyMaterial: 5; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 8; BlockSize: 8; Exportable: True; Supported: False), (Name: 'RC4_40'; CipherType: tlscsctStream; BulkCipher: tlscsbcRC4; KeyBits: 40; KeyMaterial: 5; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 0; BlockSize: 0; Exportable: True; Supported: False), (Name: 'RC4_56'; CipherType: tlscsctStream; BulkCipher: tlscsbcRC4; KeyBits: 56; KeyMaterial: 7; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 0; BlockSize: 0; Exportable: True; Supported: False), (Name: 'RC4_128'; CipherType: tlscsctStream; BulkCipher: tlscsbcRC4; KeyBits: 128; KeyMaterial: 16; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 0; BlockSize: 0; Exportable: False; Supported: True), (Name: 'IDEA_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcIDEA; KeyBits: 128; KeyMaterial: 16; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 8; BlockSize: 8; Exportable: False; Supported: False), (Name: 'DES40_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcDES40; KeyBits: 40; KeyMaterial: 5; ExpKeyMat: 8; IVSize: 8; BlockSize: 8; Exportable: True; Supported: False), (Name: 'DES_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcDES; KeyBits: 64; KeyMaterial: 8; ExpKeyMat: 8; IVSize: 8; BlockSize: 8; Exportable: False; Supported: True), (Name: '3DES_EDE_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbc3DES; KeyBits: 128; KeyMaterial: 24; ExpKeyMat: 24; IVSize: 8; BlockSize: 8; Exportable: False; Supported: False), (Name: 'AES_128_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcAES; KeyBits: 128; KeyMaterial: 16; ExpKeyMat: 16; IVSize: 16; BlockSize: 16; Exportable: False; Supported: True), (Name: 'AES_256_CBC'; CipherType: tlscsctBlock; BulkCipher: tlscsbcAES; KeyBits: 256; KeyMaterial: 32; ExpKeyMat: 32; IVSize: 16; BlockSize: 16; Exportable: False; Supported: True));

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