Source position: AsphyreDDraw7.pas line 720
type TDDSurfaceDesc_DX5 = packed record |
dwSize: DWORD; |
dwFlags: DWORD; |
dwHeight: DWORD; |
dwWidth: DWORD; |
case Integer of |
0: ( |
dwLinearSize: DWORD; |
); |
1: ( |
lPitch: LongInt; |
dwBackBufferCount: DWORD; |
case Integer of |
0: ( |
dwMipMapCount: DWORD; |
dwAlphaBitDepth: DWORD; |
dwReserved: DWORD; |
lpSurface: Pointer; |
ddckCKDestOverlay: TDDColorKey; |
ddckCKDestBlt: TDDColorKey; |
ddckCKSrcOverlay: TDDColorKey; |
ddckCKSrcBlt: TDDColorKey; |
ddpfPixelFormat: TDDPixelFormat_DX5; |
ddsCaps: TDDSCaps; |
); |
1: ( |
dwZBufferBitDepth: DWORD; |
); |
2: ( |
dwRefreshRate: DWORD; |
); |
); |
end; |
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CodeTyphon Studio |